Tourism Industry News

News from NZ Māori Tourism and Māori tourism experiences around Aotearoa New Zealand

Severe Weather Event Support Information - Key Links and Useful Information

Kia ora tātou.

Please see below key safety information and links for areas impacted by Cyclone Gabrielle. Information is changing regularly and frequently, please make sure to check the sources below for updates.


Flood Support Information - 3 February 2023

Tēnā tātou,

Flood Support Information - 2 February 2023

Kia ora e te whānau,

Ahakoa ngā waipuke e hora nei i te motu, e hākoakoa ana te ngākau i te kite atu kua whiti mai a Tamanui te Rā ki ētahi rohe. Kia kaha tonu tātou ki te āwhina i ēra e raru ana. Mauri ora!

Flood Support Information - 1 February 2023

Ngā mihi e te whānau,

E tūmanako nui ana e haumaru ana te noho a te katoa. E tuku whakamoemiti ana kia tuwhera mai a Tamanui te Rā, kia whitia anō tātou e ngā hihi o te ora.

Flood Support Information - 31 January 2023

Kia ora e te whānau,

E whakaaronui tonu ana mātou ki a koutou e taumaha ana i tēnei wā. Mao mao mai te ua, whiti mai te rā.

Flood Support Information - 30 January 2023

Kia ora e te whānau,

E rere nei te aroha ki a tātou e taikaha nei i roto i ēnei wā o te taumaha. Ko koutou kei te tihi o ngā whakaaro, ko ngā manaakitanga o te wāhi ngaro ki runga i a koutou.

Pānui #6: Orange Traffic Light settings, IR Updates, COID Support Payments

Tēnā tātou katoa,

Aotearoa New Zealand has moved to the Orange Traffic Light setting, as at 11:59pm yesterday, Wednesday 13 April. Meanwhile, the border opened to vaccinated Australian tourists, also yesterday.

Pānui #5: COVID Support updates, and what to do if you have COVID

Tēnā tātou katoa,

This pānui includes an update on COVID-19 business support conditions and key updates on COVID-19, including:

Pānui #4 Covid Support Payment

28 February 2022

Pānui #3 February

15 Febraury 2022
Tēnā tātou katoa,

Pānui #2 February

4 February 2022

Tēnā tātou katoa,

Karakia Tumu Whakawātea

Tēnā tātou,

Please note, this is the most up-to-date link to Tumu Whakawātea (we apologise for any inconvenience with the change in links!)

#1 Māori tourism update 12/1

Tēnā tātou katoa,

Ngā mihi o te tau hou!

In this pānui:

DEC: NZMT webinar, business support and key dates!

Tēnā tātou katoa,

He pānui nui e haere ake nei, e te whānau! A lot of information this week! Applications for the final Wage Subsidy close tomorrow. See more below.

In this pānui:

Dark Sky Project - He Kai Kei Aku Ringa

Māori tourism award reaches for the stars

E poho kereru ana mātou o NZMT ki a koutou i whakahōnoretia, ā, i whakawhiwhia anō hoki ki ngā tāonga whakahirahira. Me mihi ka tika!

OSHbox safety systems for your business

In this pānui:

Workplace Vaccinations - what you need to know

COVID-19 Protection Framework, Māori Vaccination, Business Support

Tēnā tātou katoa,

Today the Prime Minister announced the new COVID-19 Protection Framework (CPF), that will come into effect when each DHB region has 90% full vaccination.

Alert Level & Māori Tourism updates

Tēnā tātou katoa,

Sector update

7 October, 2021

Tēnā tātou katoa,

In this pānui:

NZMT Survey, RSP, Wage Subsidy, what does Manaakitanga mean & more...

E toro atu nei ngā whakaaronui ki a koutou o Tāmaki e oma nei i te oma roa, e whawhai nei i te whawhai pai.

Second Round of RSP opening

Tēnā tātou katoa,

Today the Minister of Finance announced that businesses and organisations will be able to apply for a second Resurgence Support Payment (RSP) even if they have received the first payment.

Māori sector updates: Reo Māori, Health and Safety, Yoga & Fitness, IRD recruiting

Tēnā tātou katoa,


Alert Level Changes - What you need to know

Update from today:

Free Māori tourism fitness & yoga classes!

Get ready to sweat in the comfort of your own home!

We have two passionate Māori fitness teachers ready to help you burn off some of those lockdown calories over the next four weeks from Monday to Saturday.

These classes are available for all levels of fitness and all ages.

RSP: what you need to know - Marae & Māori Land Trusts

In this newsletter:

  • COVID-19 Updates from today
  • Level 3 Golden Rules
  • Information to travel over alert boundaries

COVID Updates: Wage Subsidy - What you need to know

Kia ora tātou,

Updates from today:

New Zealand south of the Auckland border will move to Alert Level 3 as at 11:59pm on Tuesday 30 August. It’s important that at Alert Level 3 we remain cautious. Cabinet will reassess the situation after one week.

COVID-19 Health & Safety System for your business

NZ Māori Tourism is pleased to provide you with a complimentary COVID-19 Health & Safety System for your business, so you can protect yourselves and your customers through each level of lockdown.

The system includes the following documents. Click on the link to download.

Complete your week with karakia

Karakia Tumu Whakawātea

Create space, find connection, give thanks
To come together as one and karakia as one.

Spread those legs! Free Māori tourism ZOGA sessions

From Monday to Saturday over the next four weeks, we’re offering Māori tourism operators free yoga sessions via Zoom (zoom+yoga = zoga!) with renowned yoga leaders Dorothy Waetford, Taane Mete and Linsey Smith.

Karakia / Webinar link

Tēnā tātou katoa,

There are 68 new cases in the community today, bringing the total number of cases to 277. There are 263 in Auckland and 14 in Wellington.

Māori Business Support Services Webinar

Tēnā tātou katoa,

We invite you to join us on a webinar on Wednesday 25 August from 3pm-4pm to hear about support services available across financial, social and wellbeing services.

We are honoured to have Minister Willie Jackson joining us.

Latest COVID-19 Updates - 23 August

Tēnā tātou katoa,

Update from today

Auckland will remain in Level 4 lockdown until 11:59pm Tuesday 31 August. This will be reviewed on Monday 30 August.



Please join us in a nationwide karakia on Monday 23 August from 7am to 7:45.

Latest COVID-19 updates - August 20


Tēnā tātou katoa,

All of New Zealand will remain in Level 4 Lockdown until 11:59pm on Tuesday 24 August.

Updates from today

Latest COVID-19 Update - August 19

Tēnā tātou katoa,

Updates from today

There are 11 new cases of COVID-19 in the community today, which brings total number of cases to 21.

Latest COVID-19 updates 18 August 2021


Tēnā tātou,

All of New Zealand is in Level 4 until Friday 20th August.

A message from Te Taura Whiri i te Reo Māori

Resurgence Support Payment opens 1 July


Tēnā koutou,

Māori tourism update - Hune

Waitangi Treaty Grounds developing resources for the new History Curriculum

Waitangi Treaty Grounds

MSD: Support for business and staff

Ministry of Social Development (MSD) and NZ Māori Tourism have been working together to develop resources to fully understand what programmes are available to support both employers and employees through MSD.

Click on the links to read more:

The Conversation - What would sustainable tourism really mean for New Zealand? Let’s ask the river

Republished from 'The Conversation' under the Creative Commons licence.


Māori business identifier goes live

For the first time, Māori businesses can self-identify as a Māori business on the New Zealand Business Number register.

Ngawha Springs was and remains a popular destination for restorative healing. This photo was taken circa 1920 – one of the earliest photos ever taken of the site.

Still healing after 400 years

Parahirahi Ngawha Waiariki Trust
22 April, 2021

Resurgence Support Payment explained


Tēnā koutou,

The Resurgence Support Payment (RSP) is now open.


Waitangi Treaty Grounds


Tamaki Māori Village's Hui E! Kai E! experience

Polishing the jewel in the tourism crown

Media Release Tauhara North No.2 Trust Group, NZ Māori Tourism
22 September 2020
Polishing the jewel in the tourism crown

Tourism Trade Checklist

Tourism Export Council (TEC) has put together a Tourism Trade Checklist for Inbound Tour Operators (ITOs) to identify and access business compliant tourism operators.

You do not have to be a member of TEC to register.

Former Tourism Minister leaves behind a future-proofed industry

5 Noema 2020


Tākiri nei te ao, e rere he pōkaitara manu. Ka topa me tiki rawa, hei ā mai i au.
Tihei Mauriora!

NZMT congratulates TNZ Pou Ārahi Hemi Sundgren

Tuesday 13 October, 2020

Nau mai, haere mai, whakatau mai!  Nei rā te mihi maioha ki a koe e Hēmi.

Wage Subsidy Audits

Tēnā koutou,

As you may be aware, the Ministry of Social Development (MSD) is undergoing audits of some applications made for the Wage Subsidy and Wage Subsidy Extension.

Resurgence Wage Subsidy

The COVID-19 Resurgence Wage Subsidy (RWS) opened 21 August at 1pm.

The subsidy runs for 2-weeks from the day you submit your application, and will be paid at a flat rate of:

Reminder: Income Relief Payment

Income Relief Payment

You can apply for the Income Relief Payment up until Friday 30 October 2020.

To apply, you need to have:

Reminder: Wage Subsidy Extension

Wage Subsidy Extension

Applications for the Wage Subsidy Extension close just before midnight on Tuesday September 1, 2020 (11.59pm).

The extension covers eight weeks worth of payment per employee.

The subsidy will be paid at a flat rate of:

STAPP acknowledges Māori tourism legacies

This story was originally published on Tourism Ticker 5/08/2020

Waitangi Treaty Grounds Targets Kiwis

Media Release from Waitangi Treaty Grounds and added to by NZ Māori Tourism.


NZ International Tourism Recovery Roadmap

Marketing your business for domestic tourism

On Thursday 11 June 2020, NZ Māori Tourism hosted a webinar with Tourism New Zealand to discuss how Māori tourism operators can market their business with Tourism NZ.

The discussion included:

The Māori Trustee to fund a $10m Top-Up package providing additional financial support for Māori SMEs

The Māori Trustee (Te Tumu Paeroa) has established a Top-Up Māori Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme, making an additional $10m available for Māori SMEs to meet core operating costs.

NZ Māori Tourism Welcomes Budget Boost

New Zealand Māori Tourism welcomes the Government’s $400 million Tourism Recovery Fund to help the sector recuperate from the impact of the coronavirus pandemic, as businesses reopen their doors at Alert Level 2 today.

Poroporoaki: Johnny Edmonds

Tēnei te Pō! Tēnei te Pō!
Te Pō i pēpeke, i whakaahei ai, i whakangaro atu ai ki a Papatūānuku!
Kei te mātātoa o te tāpoitanga Māori, o te manaakitanga taketake – e moe!
Kua takoto koe i te hau o marangai.

Tax Reminder: May 7

Tēnā tātou katoa,

This is a friendly reminder that all businesses must still send in GST and Provisional Tax Returns by 7 May.

If you have difficulty meeting these payments, IRD has options that might help.

0800 4 POUTAMA

Māori Business Support Line

COVID-19 Support: Need expert business advice? Call 0800 4 POUTAMA

Data on Māori Economic Activity

Data on Māori Economic Activity

Update on the data work for Māori Economic Activity

Ngā mihi o te tau hou! Kohi-tātea | January

This month we bring you stories on waka. Check out kōrero on the Kupe Waka Centre, Manea Footprints of Kupe, updates from Māori tourism operators involved in waka, and more.

Te Hono ki Aotearoa screens in Aotearoa

Three free screenings of Te Hono ki Aotearoa by Dutch Kiwi filmmaker Jan Bieringa will take place throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.

Tāmaki Herenga Waka Festival

Innovative twist brings Tāmaki Makaurau iwi heritage to the stage with millions of water droplets

An artistic and innovative twist to digital storytelling – in the form of a water screen – will take place on the Waitematā Harbour at the Tāmaki Herenga Waka Festival later this month.

Notice of Meeting - NZ Māori Tourism AGM 2019


Date: Wednesday, 6 November 2019

Venue: Conference Room, Rydges Wellington Airport
28 Stewart Duff Dr, Rongotai, Wellington 6022

AGM Start Time: 11:00 AM
Lunch will follow the AGM

Kaitiaki Adventures are finalists in two categories

Top tourism businesses named as Awards finalists

Press Release from TIA

Established tourism operators will go head to head with newer businesses in this year’s New Zealand Tourism Awards.

New Zealand Māori Tourism (NZMT) is supporting ten performing artists to attend a multi-sector trade mission to China.

Māori tourism and culture takes centre stage in China

Wednesday, 4 September 2019

Tamaki Maori Village

Tamaki Maori Village seek General Manager

Voted the 7th best experience in the world by Trip Advisor’s Traveller’s Choice award in 2018, Tamaki Maori Village is an iconic and most award-winning cultural attraction in Aotearoa New Zealand.

NZ Māori Tourism wants to hear from you!

August 13

New Zealand Māori Tourism (NZMT), in conjunction with Te Puni Kōkiri and Poutama Trust, is undertaking a national assessment of the Māori tourism sector to understand the needs and aspirations of Māori tourism businesses.

Dragons' Den 2019, Tuahiwi Marae

Aotearoa's oldest dish Wows Judges

Expect to see Aotearoa’s oldest dish more prominently on the menu after Tāmaki Makaurau’s Hangi Master took out the New Zealand Māori Tourism’s Dragons’ Den 2019 Wow Us award, worth $20,000.


NZMT Hōngongoi 2019 Newsletter

Check out our latest newsletter here, which includes up dates on NZ Māori Tourism Board changes, new (and returning) staff members, events, information

Māori Tourism workshops and Dragons' Den registration

NZ Māori Tourism invites you to register for the highly anticipated Māori Tourism Workshops and Dragons’ Den in Ōtautahi Christchurch from Monday 12 and Tuesday 13 August.

Dale Stephens, NZ Māori Tourism Chairperson.

NZ Māori Tourism Chairperson re-elected

Congratulations to Dale Stephens, who has been re-elected as NZ Māori Tourism’s Chairperson on Thursday. 

Dale, who is the Kaitohu – Director Māori Business at New Zealand Trade and Enterprise, first came on the Board in 2013 and was elected as Chair in 2016. 

Results of 2019 NZ Māori Tourism Board Election

Tēnā koutou e ngā mema o Te Rōpū Tāpoi Māori o Aotearoa me ngā tīni āhuatanga o te wā o te takurua, nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.

You have until Friday to apply for Māori tourism Dragons' Den!


You have until this Friday at 5pm to enter the 2019 Māori tourism Dragons' Den!

Have you entered the 2019 Māori tourism Dragons' Den yet?


You have 11 days left to enter the 2019 Māori tourism Dragon's Den!

Applications open now - Māori tourism Dragon's Den 2019



Do you have a great idea for a Māori tourism experience that you’re itching to get underway?

Maori Tourism Dragons' Den 2019

Kia ora koutou,

This year the Māori Tourism Dragons' Den, workshops, and networking events will be held in Ōtautahi, Christchurch.

Napier Māori Tours are planting 2000 trees as part of their Tiaki Promise.

Maunga iwi, Te Matatini, Waitangi

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou i ngā tini āhuatanga o te wā, nō reira tēnā koutou katoa!

Register now for South Pacific Tourism Exchange 2019

Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou!

New Zealand Māori Tourism and the South Pacific Tourism Organisation are excited to be co-hosting the 2019 South Pacific Tourism Exchange.

Norbu Tenzing (left) and Dhamey Tenzing Norgay (right), photographed with a friend, will speak to iwi about their experiences in tourism, with a particular focus on mountain tourism

From one mountain to another, Everest to Hikurangi

The sons of Tenzing Norgay Sherpa, the famous mountaineer who led and accompanied Sir Edmund Hillary to the summit of Chomolungma (Mt. Everest), will meet with iwi to share and explore the opportunities and challenges that arise with tourism.

Registrations Open Now for South Pacific Tourism Exchange 2019

Ngā mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa,

New Zealand Māori Tourism, in association with the South Pacific Tourism Organisation, warmly invites all Māori tourism enterprises to register for the 2019 South Pacific Tourism Exchange.

Hotel Chatham head chef Kaai Silbery who won The Local Wild Food Challenge in Whakatāne earlier this year.

Meri Kirihimete koutou, nā NZMT

Here at NZ Māori Tourism, we wish you and your whānau a safe and happy holiday period. Despite it being the busy season, we hope you find some time to sit down with your loved ones, share some waiata and kōrero and indulge in some delicious kai.

Tiaki Promise, Halal and Greening Superyachts

Halal hangi and green superyachts are taking an interest in Māori tourism, and what's all this about Tiaki Promise? Find out more by reading our latest newsletter. Click here.


Tiaki Promise

Tiaki - Care For New Zealand

Over the past year, New Zealand Māori Tourism has taken part in the development of a brand-new initiative Tiaki - Care For New Zealand.

Changes at NZ Māori Tourism

Tēnā koutou katoa, he mihi mahana tēnei ki a koutou.

We hope that the seeds are sprouting in the garden as we prepare for the long summer ahead. Let’s hope it is just as good as last year’s turned out to be.

Innovation Awarded in Inaugural Māori tourism Dragons' Den

Five Māori tourism experiences from Northland, Tairawhiti, Hawke’s Bay and Bay of Plenty have been recognised in the inaugural Māori tourism Dragons’ Den held in Napier, where new and existing Māori tourism businesses pitched their fresh, innovative ideas in front of the Dragons’ and audience.

Open one more week - Dragons' Den for Māori tourism

Pania's Pānui

Pania's Panui - 29 June 2018

In early August, NZ Māori Tourism is hosting workshops and sessions in Napier for Māori tourism experiences.

The draft programme is below:

Dragon's Den for Māori tourism

Dragon's Den Application form

Tell us the story of who you are and how you can make your idea happen! 

Have Your Say: International Visitor Conservation and Tourism Levy


Submissions are due by 5pm, Sunday 15 July 2018

The number of visitors to New Zealand has grown strongly over the past few years, and growth is expected to continue.

Pania's Pānui - 15 June 2018

Ngā mihi o te wā, te tau hou  o ngāi tāua te iwi Māori, ko Matariki, ā, ko Puanga. Māuriora!

Nā mātau ko Pania

Read more of this edition of NewsLine here

Results of NZ Māori Tourism Board Election 2018

Tēnā koutou e ngā mema o Te Rōpū Tāpoi Māori o Aotearoa me ngā tīni āhuatanga o te wā o te takurua, nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tātou katoa.

Waitangi Treaty Grounds finalists in Service IQ 2018 New Zealand Museum Awards

The new exhibition in the historic Treaty House at Waitangi Treaty Grounds has been announced as a finalist in the ‘Exhibition Excellence – Social History’ category of the Service IQ 2018 New Zealand Museum Awards.

Pania's Pānui - 4 May 2018

It's been two weeks since we farewelled our manuhiri that came to Northland for the World Indigenous Tourism Summit. We have had some incredible feedback from attendees, and are aware of several new projects that are underway as a result of new relationships and ideas formed at the Summit!

Five weeks until the World Indigenous Tourism Summit!

He kotuku rerenga tahi - A white heron flies once

Kia ora,

Pania's Pānui - 9 March 2018

We know most of you in the throes of a busy summer season, so it's a short and sweet NewsLine from us this week!

Ngā mihi, na,
Pania and the team at NZ Māori Tourism

Pania's Pānui - 2 March 2018

We are just over six weeks away from the World Indigenous Tourism Summit in Northland. We're excited to see that so many of you have registered to attend what will be a brilliant few days in Northland, as well as the Research Symposium in Hopuhopu following the Summit.

Earlybird Registration closes soon for World Indigenous Tourism Summit

Whāia e koe te iti kahurangi; ki te tuohu koe, me maunga teitei.
Seek the treasure that you value most dearly; if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain.

Kia ora,

Pania's Pānui - 16 February 2018

I can't be the only who is wondering how we are already mid-way through February - Christmas seems like a distant memory! Like many of you, we have had limited staff over the last few weeks but we're now back to full capacity.

Seal of Approval for Traditional Navigation Centre at Aurere

Press Release by Kupe Waka Centre

New speakers announced for the World Indigenous Tourism Summit

He aha te kai ō te rangatira? He kōrero, he kōrero.
What is the food of the leader? It is knowledge. It is communication.

World Indigenous Tourism Summit, New Zealand, April 2018

Mā tōu rourou, mā tōku rourou ka ora ai te iwi
With your contribution and our contribution we will make progress

Chairperson's Panui, 12 January 2018

Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou!

It is with great pride that the Board and team of NZ Māori Tourism congratulate our Chief Executive, Pania Tyson-Nathan, on her recognition in the New Year’s Honours as a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit for services to Māori and Business.

Registrations now open for the World Indigenous Tourism Summit

Pania's Panui - 8 December 2017

NZ Māori Tourism worked with TravCom to organise a media famil for travel journalists to Northland recently. The journalists had a fantastic time and experienced a variety of Māori tourism experiences.

Pania's Pānui - 24 November 2017

Thanks to all those who came to our AGM held in Wellington recently.

Historic Treaty House re-opens with new exhibition

The historic Treaty House at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds has re-opened its doors to the public with a new exhibition installed by Workshop e, New Zealand’s leading exhibition design company and creators of the permanent exhibition in multiple award winning Te Kōngahu Museum of Waitangi.

Pania's Pānui - 27 October 2017

Nei ra te mihi ki te Kāwanatanga hōu i raro i te maru o nga pati e rua, ko Reipa me Aotearoa Tuatahi, otira ki o matou Minita ko Nanaia, Te Minita Whanaketanga Māori me Kelvin, Te Minita Tāpoi Whanui. Karawhiua!

Pania's Pānui - 20 October 2017

I oho tātou i te ata nei ki te tētehi Kāwanatanga hōu. Me mihi ka tika ki a rātou, nga pāti tōrangapū, ko Reipa, ko nga Kākāriki rātou ko Aotearoa Tuatahi. Na rātou te Kāwanatanga hōu i kōkiritia. Harikoa ana mātou ki te mahi ngātahi ki te Kāwangatanga hōu.

Pania's Pānui - 13 October 2017

A lot of Māori tourism businesses have commented on the IVS (International Visitor Survey) and the information that comes out of it. MBIE have initiated a review of the IVS, with work likely to start in 2018.

Pania's Pānui - 6 October 2017

Kia ora ki whānau ki Tapoi Māori o Aotearoa.

E te Pāpā Lewis, e kore rawa koe me ou mahi hei manaaki i te tangata ahakoa ko wai, e warewaretia.  Hoea rā tō waka ki Hawaiki nui, Hawaiki roa, Hawaiki pāmaomao, moe mai rā. Paimārire!

Wednesday Letter: NZ Māori Tourism’s Pania Tyson-Nathan

This column was first published in Tourism Ticker

It’s Māori Language Week and NZ Māori Tourism’s chief executive, Pania Tyson-Nathan, tells us how learning the language is an ongoing journey and the value of Te Reo to tourism.

Waitangi Treaty Grounds wins again at New Zealand Tourism Awards

The Waitangi Treaty Grounds is the winner of the Visitor Experience Award in the 2017 New Zealand Tourism Awards. 24 leading tourism operators and stakeholders competed in the 2017 New Zealand Tourism Awards – the $35 billion tourism industry’s most prestigious awards. 

Ngāi Tahu Tourism scholarship open

Ngāi Tahu Tourism is looking for Ngāi Tahu students to apply for its Te Pia Tāpoi scholarship.

Harbour to take centre stage for spectacular opening of 2018 New Zealand Festival

“Waka carry stories, art, science, knowledge whakapapa and performance. When the waka arrives it seeks relationships, contact and togetherness.” - A Waka Odyssey Creative Team

Pania's Pānui - 11 August 2017

As many of you know I'll try anything once, and as my first attempt a month ago was derailed due to snow on the tracks, it was time to try a change of scene, as I took the Northern Explorer train from Auckland to Wellington.

Pania's Pānui - 4 August 2017

There's  a few people from the Maori tourism whānau competing in 'Dancing with the Stars' in Rotorua this weekend - good luck to you all, I know I'm not the only one looking forward to the photos and videos on Facebook!

Pania's Pānui - 28 July 2017

Congratulations to all the finalists in the New Zealand Tourism Awards announced this week.

Inaugural Waitangi Day Speech Competition

Press release from Waitangi Treaty Grounds

Waitangi Treaty Grounds finalist in New Zealand Tourism Awards

Press release from Waitangi Treaty Grounds

The Waitangi Treaty Grounds was yesterday named a finalist in the New Zealand Tourism Awards for the second year in a row.

NZ Tourism Awards finalists revealed

Press release from Tourism Industry Aoteaora (TIA)

Twenty-four leading tourism operators and stakeholders have been announced today as finalists in the 2017 New Zealand Tourism Awards – the $35 billion tourism industry’s most prestigious awards.

Pania's Pānui - 21 July 2017

First of all, apologies for no NewsLine last week, but we're making up for it this week!

Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Global Insights Conference

The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) Global Insights Conference is coming back to Auckland, playing host to leading tourism experts and international thought leaders from around the world on Friday, 29 September 2017 at Skycity.

Tai Poutini Māori Tourism plan gets funding boost

Media release from Hon Te Ururoa Flavell

Māori Development Minister Te Ururoa Flavell has announced a $70,000 investment in Tai Poutini Māori Tourism.

Pania's Pānui - 7 July 2017

The new edition of Māori Tourism Quarterly is now available, which provides commentary on the latest data on visits to Māori activities and experiences from the International Visitor Surve

Tourism Infrastructure Fund Information Sessions

From the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment

Pania's Pānui - 30 June 2017

There's a lot of information in this week's NewsLine, so I'm going to keep my kōrero short.

Te Puni Kōkiri Supports Māori Led Developments

Press release from Te Puni Kōkiri

Te Puni Kōkiri has signed agreements with the Māori Women’s Development Inc. (MWDI) and NZ Māori Tourism (NZMT) today ahead of plans to invest more than $15 million into both agencies over the next three years.

Govt funding to boost Canterbury tourism

Press release from Minister for Tourism, Hon Paula Bennett

Tourism Minister Paula Bennett and Economic Development Minister Simon Bridges today announced that the Government will provide $160,000 to support tourism strategy projects in Canterbury.

Pania's Pānui - 23 June 2017

At the E Rere conference in Rotorua last week, the Māori Economy Investor Guide was launched.

Pania's Pānui - 16 June 2017

With Matariki on our doorstep, it’s time to take stock, reflect on the past 12 months, and focus on the year ahead.

New guide to investing with Māori launched

Press release from Minister for Economic Development, Hon Simon Bridges

Economic Development Minister Simon Bridges has today launched a new guide for potential investors highlighting opportunities in the Māori economy.

Pania's Pānui - 9 June 2017

Congratulations to NZ Māori Tourism Board member Toro Waaka, who was not only re-elected in the recent NZ Māori Tourism Board elections, but was also appointed a Member of the New Zealand Order of Merit in the 2017 NZ Queen's Birthday H

Pania's Pānui - 26 May 2017

It was wonderful to catch up with many of you in Northland this week. As well as meeting many Māori tourism experiences, our Board also took the opportunity to visit QRC Taitokerau, the halls of residence, and their new culinary school to see the fantastic work that is happening there.

Increased Funding To Accelerate The Growth Of Māori Tourism Businesses

The announcement in Budget 2017 of $10 million of new funding over four years will promote and strengthen the Māori tourism sector to be more resilient, says NZ Māori Tourism Chief Executive Pania Tyson-Nathan.

More jobs in Māori tourism and regions

Press release from Minister for Māori Development, Hon Te Ururoa Flavell

Northland is rising to the occasion for British & Irish Lions Pōwhiri at Waitangi Treaty Grounds

Press release from Waitangi Treaty Grounds

Pania's Pānui - 19 May 2017

NZ Māori Tourism staff and Board members will be in Northland next week for our quarterly Board meeting. The Board and I are looking forward to catching up with many of you while we are there.

Colloboration between New Zealand Luxury Experiences and Marinelogix Yacht Support

Leading bespoke yacht companies Marinelogix Yacht Support and New Zealand Luxury Experiences collaborated to host one of the largest superyachts to visit New Zealand waters this season. 

Pania's Pānui - 12 May 2017

There has been a lot of interesting reports come out of TRENZ this week, the team and I are making our way through them and they certainly provide lots to think about.

$178m package for tourism infrastructure - Budget 2017

Press Release from Hon Paula Bennett, Minister for Tourism

Tourism Minister Paula Bennett has today announced a new $102 million Tourism Infrastructure Fund which has been launched alongside $76 million in new funding for our most important tourism asset, the DOC Estate.

New Zealand fast becoming a hot ticket for high-value Indian visitors

Press Release from Auckland Airport

Pania's Pānui - 5 May 2017

Next week is going to be a busy one for those attending TRENZ - the programme of speakers, events, and meetings will provide numerous opportunities for tourism businesses to engage with trade and industry insiders to ensure they do their best to get visitors to your experience!

TIME Unlimited Tours - Cultural ‘City to Cape’ Collection: Realising the full potential our Maori Sixth Sense

(Auckland, New Zealand) – TIME Unlimited Tours is delighted to start the 2017 ‘Maori New Year’ with the launch of its inaugural itinerary for their Cultural ‘City to Cape’ Collection.  As part of its Winter TIME Collection, the new suite of tour products aptly named “Season of Matariki – A Star J

Pania's Pānui - 28 April 2017

As we start to pull our wool coats and boots from the back of the wardrobe (although that could just be Wellington!) and haere ra our summer, it is timely to reflect on the last few months.

Whale Watch Kaikoura helps fund Harbour restoration.

Press release from Whale Watch Kaikoura

Whale Watch Kaikoura have joined forces with key stake holders and the Government to support the restoration of the Kaikōura harbour following the November 2016 earthquake.

Pania's Pānui - 21 April 2017

NZ Māori Tourism attended the opening of the QRC Culinary School in Kerikeri this week.

Festival Programme for the 2017 British and Irish Lions Tour

Haere mai, welcome, to the official DHL New Zealand Lions Series 2017 festival programme.

Pania's Pānui - 13 April 2017

I don't know about you, but it seems like we just had Waitangi commemorations and now Easter is already here. Many of you would have been counting on a big weekend either at work, or away with your whānau/friends, but Tāwhirimātea has decided he'd rather pay us a visit instead!

Major Study Identifies Tourism Infrastructure Priorities

Press release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa

More visitor accommodation is the highest priority infrastructure needed to support the future growth of New Zealand’s booming tourism industry, new research has found.

Pania's Pānui - 7 April 2017

Tāwhirimātea has certainly made himself know throughout Aotearoa this week. With canceled flights, closed roads, and communities being asked to evacuate their homes, please stay safe and if there's anything we can help with, we are just a phone call or email away.

Pania's Pānui - 31 March 2017

At a business lunch held for Chinese Premier Li Keqiang in Auckland this week, the Premier was visibly moved by the display of the special relationship between Māori and Chinese, especially when Ngā Puna o Waiorea sung a Chinese waiata.

2019 to be China-New Zealand Year of Tourism

Press release from Minister for Tourism,Hon Paula Bennett

A new international agreement will focus on attracting high-value Chinese visitors who stay longer, spend more and travel independently says Tourism Minister Paula Bennett.

New trade focus to benefit tourism

Press release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa

The Government’s new focus on services exports will benefit tourism – New Zealand’s largest export sector, Tourism Industry Aotearoa says.

Pania's Pānui - 24 March 2017

NZ Māori Tourism recently hosted WINTA (World Indigenous Tourism Alliance) Chairman Ben Sherman in preparation for New Zealand hosting the 2018 WINTA Summit. The Summit will be held in Paihia, Northland, from 15 - 18 April 2018.

Tourism Growth Partnership Placed On Hold

The Tourism Growth Partnership (TGP) has been placed on hold while Tourism Minister Paula Bennett assesses funding priorities for the wider tourism portfolio.

Pania's Pānui - 17 March 2017

The new edition of Māori Tourism Quarterly is now available for you to read.

Pania's Pānui - 10 March 2017

This seems to have been the first week in a while that I haven't been on a plane! There has been lots of meetings and exciting things happening, which we are hoping to share the results of with you soon. This is going to be another busy year for Māori tourism but we're prepared and ready!

Pania's Pānui - 3 March 2017

Congratulations to Whāngārā Mai Tawhiti for their win at Te Matatini 2017.

Pania's Pānui - 24 February 2017

The inaugural Taniwha Dragon Summit was a resounding success with existing relationships strengthened, new partnerships forged, and millions of dollars of business being done.

Fresh Water Vital To Tourism Industry Growth

Press release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa

The tourism industry is pleased that the Government has recognised fresh water’s value to the visitor economy, and is hopeful that this can be realised via its new water quality targets.

International visitor spending reaches $10.1b

Press release from Minister for Tourism, Hon Paula Bennett

Communities around New Zealand are continuing to benefit from steady growth in international visitor spending, which reached $10.1 billion in the year to December, Tourism Minister Paula Bennett says.

Pania's Pānui - 17 February 2017

NZ Māori Tourism had our AGM in Wellington this week. You can read our 2016 Annual Report here.

NZ Māori Tourism Annual Report 2016

E rau rangatira mā, tēnā koutou. Tēnā koutou e pānui nei te pūronga-ā-tau, o ngā kaupapa kua oti i Te Rōpu Tāpoi Māori o Aotearoa, i te tau kua pahure nei. Tēnā tātou katoa. 

Pania's Pānui - 10 February 2017

It was a busy and productive weekend in Waitangi, with many opportunities to talk with locals, Māori organisations, government officials, Ministers, and visitors who were all basking in the commemorations and sunshine.

Pania's Pānui - 3 February 2017

There are numerous Waitangi Day commemorations happening around the country this weekend - we will be in Waitangi and will catch up with many of you there.

Smoke, alcohol, and fizz free Waitangi Day at the Treaty Grounds

Press release from Waitangi Treaty Grounds

Tourism industry aims to maintain record growth

Press release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA)

New Zealand was just 61 visitors away from reaching the milestone of 3.5 million international visitors for 2016, with those visitors making a vital contribution to New Zealand’s economy.

Strong Start to Summer Tourism Spending

Press Release from Minister of Tourism, Hon Paula Bennett

Nearly every region across New Zealand experienced strong growth in tourism spending this summer, Tourism Minister Paula Bennett says.

Pania's Panui - 27 January 2017

This weekend is the Tamaki Herenga Waka Festival in Auckland.

Pania's Pānui - 20 January 2017

One of the most gratifying parts of our work is seeing the innovation that is taking place within Māori tourism businesses across the country. We enjoy receiving your updates on what you're doing, and seeing your visitors post their satisfaction on social media.

Social media campaign reaches freedom campers

Press Release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa

A social media campaign targeting young freedom campers is proving highly successful in its first month.

NZ Hi-Tech Awards - 6 weeks until entries close

Press Release from NZ Hi-Tech Trust

Nga mihi o te Tau Hou!

Nga mihi o te Tau Hou (Happy New Year!)

We can't be the only ones who are wondering how it can be 2017 already. Much has been said about tourism in 2016, and we have all heard the figures given to us so many times that I'm sure many of us could recite them in our sleep!

New Chief Executive Appointed to Tourism New Zealand

Press release from Tourism New Zealand

Tourism New Zealand Chair Kerry Prendergast says she is delighted to announce the appointment of Stephen England-Hall to the position of Chief Executive at Tourism New Zealand.

Big issues facing new Tourism Minister

Press release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa

Tourism Industry Aotearoa looks forward to working with new Tourism Minister Paula Bennett and Associate Minister Nicky Wagner on some of the big issues facing the tourism industry.

Support for tourism but some concerns

Press Release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa and Tourism New Zealand

New Zealanders generally feel positive about the fast-growing tourism industry, according to the latest research by Tourism Industry Aotearoa and Tourism New Zealand.

PM raised profile of tourism in Govt

Press release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa

Tourism Industry Aotearoa has paid tribute to Prime Minister John Key, saying he raised the profile of New Zealand’s biggest export sector across the Government.

Tourism Leaders Suggest Way Forward For Tourism Infrastructure

Press release from Air New Zealand

Auckland visitor levy unfair & ill-conceived

Press release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa

A proposed new visitor levy for Auckland unfairly targets accommodation providers and fails to take account of the economic benefits tourism brings, Tourism Industry Aotearoa says.

Waitangi Wahine exhibition opens at the Treaty Grounds

Press Release from Waitangi Treaty Grounds

New Tool To Grow Domestic Tourism

Press release from Tourism Industry Aotearoa

An exciting new online tool and website to accelerate growth in New Zealand’s $20 billion domestic tourism sector, and encourage Kiwis travellers to visit more regions year round, went live today.

New MBIE Tourism Insight Series Report On Tourism Regional And Seasonal Travel Patterns

Press release from Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE)

Regional and Seasonal Dispersal is the second report in MBIE’s Tourism Insight Series. It provides a clear picture of when tourists are arriving and which regions they are visiting.

Postponment of NZ Māori Tourism AGM

Tēnā koutou e nga mema o te Ropu Tapoi Māori o Aotearoa. Kare e kore ka pa mai tatou katoa e nga ru whenua ki Te Waipounamu me Te Whanganui a Tara. Ko te tūmanako, kei te piki te ora ahakoa nga pēhitanga o te wa. Ma te Atua tatou e tiaki, e manaaki i nga wa katoa.

News from NZ Māori Tourism - Spring 2016

Tēnā tātou, te whānau whānui o Tāpoi Māori o Aotearoa,

It's been a busy few months for both NZMT and Māori tourism experiences around Aotearoa. It doesn't seem as though the tourism industry has had our traditional 'off season' break this year - is this a sign of things to come?

NewsLine 23 September 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Rangitoto Island, user charges to fund DOC, the Tourism Growth Partnership, local body elections, and more.

Tourism Growth Partnership Round 5 Update

The Tourism Growth Partnership (TGP) is a Government initiative aimed at driving strategic changes required to overcome constraints to growth of the tourism sector and lift the value international tourism delivers to New Zealand

NewsLine 16 September 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Tāmaki Makaurau, DOC, Ngai Tahu, business support events, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 9 September 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

NewsLine 26 August 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

NewsLine 12 August 216

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on PATA, statistics for business, Tourism New Zealand, IP Mātauranga Māori, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 29 July 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the latest IVA numbers, domestic tourism, Hawke's Bay's regional economic development strategy, and more.

NewsLine 22 July 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on YTEC, the Regional Tourism Fund, Trade Shows, Tourism Plans, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 15 July 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Tourism New Zealand's new campaign, the latest edition of Māori Tourism Quarterly, Tourism scholarships, upcoming conferences, and more.

NewsLine 8 July 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on NZ Maori Tourism Board elections, Tourism New Zealand's marketing strategy, upcoming conferences, and more.

New Zealand Māori Tourism Board Elections 2016

Tena koutou i nga mema o Te Ropu Tapoi Maori o Aotearoa i nga tini ahuatanga o te wa o te tau hou o ngai Maori, ara ko Matariki, no reira, tena koutou, tena koutou, tena tatou katoa

NewsLine 1 July 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Tatauranga Umanga, NZ Tourism Awards, taxing tourists, tourism scholarships, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 24 June 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Ka Eke Poutama, the border clearance levy, State of the Tourism Industry 2016 survey, Ngai Tahu tourism scholarships, and more.

NewsLine 3 June 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Read more here.

NewsLine 27 May 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Read more here.

NewsLine 20 May 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on funding for tourism in Budget 2015, travel awards, tourism workshops, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 13 May 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on MBIE's tourism forecasts, national parks, guest nights, Te Puia, the Cathy Pacific Travel Media Awards, and more.

NewsLine 6 May 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on direct flights between New Zealand and India, Māori language week, KiwiLink, the Aussie backpacker tax, and more.

NewsLine 29 April 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Maori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the Mood of the Nation, calls for a single trans-Tasman visa, latest IVS data, and more.

NewsLine 22 April 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Maori Tourism community. Featuring stories on hotel investment, Pā Harakeke, Te Wiki o te Reo Māori, NZ Māori Tourism's website, and more.

NewsLine 15 April 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Maori Tourism community.

NewsLine 8 April 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Maori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the new Maori Tourism Quarterly newsletter, Health and Safety at Work, Northland, Waitangi Treaty Grounds, and more.

NewsLine 1 April 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the updated Health and Safety at Work Act, market insights, instagram, digital marketing, and more.

NewsLine 24 March 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Chinese New Year visitors to New Zealand, NZ Story workshops, the latest IVS numbers and more.

NewsLine 18 March 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Tourism New Zealand's Interactive quiz for Australians, the US Roadshow series, Tai Tokerau Māori Business Awards, and more.

NewsLine 11 March 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Te Kupenga, national guest nights, WEL funding, TPP hui, NZ Story workshops, the Māori Innovation Fund, Whenua Māori Fund, and more.

NewsLine 4 March 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on The Timber Trail, the new Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA), the Whenua Māori fund, and more.

NewsLine 26 February 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on MBIE's tourism data tool, cycle trails, Australian travel agencies, i-sites, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 19 February 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Dart River, Waitangi Treaty Grounds, Tourism New Zealand's trade events, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 12 February 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on employment law changes, Mt Eden, Kapiti Island, the TPP, the Tai Tokerau Northland Economic Action Plan, and more.

A Picture Paints A Thousand Words

Nga mihi o te tau hou kia kotou – Happy New Year everyone!

NewsLine 5 February 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on international visitor arrivals, the Tamaki Herenga Waka Festival, travel fairs, and more.

NewsLine 29 January 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on workplace health and safety, TripAdvisor, Māori economy, Regional Tourism Indicators, and more.

NewsLine 22 January 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on guest nights, migration, hiring new employees, KiwiLink, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 15 January 2016

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on New Zealand's capacity for tourists, Chinese New Year,  Hokianga, Porangahau, Tourism New Zealand, and more.

NewsLine 18 December 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on DoC, Rotorua, new cycling and walking guides for New Zealand, Māori land use, and more.

NewsLine 11 December 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Japanese backpackers, Wellington’s Convention Centre and Film Museum, the state of our tourism industry, Taranaki, and more.

NewsLine 4 December 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on DOC, Te Reo, Trade missions, Expedia, tourist numbers, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 27 November 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on QRC Tai Tokerau Resort College, the IVS, QR codes, Waitangi, Regional Tourism Estimates, and more.

New Resort College In Paihia

Paihia has been chosen as the location of QRC’s Tai Tokerau Resort College to open in early 2016, said QRC Chief Executive Charlie Phillips today.

NewsLine 20 November 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Northland, DOC, keeping you business safe from fraud, digital tools for your tourism business, and more.

NewsLine 13 November 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on guest nights, adventure safety workshops, cultural sites, Tikanga Māori, Alitrip, and more.

The Dragon in the Room

NewsLine 6 November 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Northland, HukaFalls Jet, China, tourism data, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 30 October 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the regional tourism indicators, tourism earnings, Waiheke Island. halal tourism, and more.

NewsLine 23 October 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the tourism data, Porangahau, domestic tourism, Māori Business report, more. Read more here.

NewsLine 16 October

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the Border Clearance Levy, social media, the Haka, Whalefest, NZ Māori Tourism’s AGM and more.

Investment in New Zealand Tourism

NewsLine 9 October 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Queenstown, Tourism Industry Awards, Wahine Toa, Tourism NZ roadshows, Māori Tourism Trade Day, and more.

Finding The Tourism Data You Need

We are constantly bombarded with information – finding the data and research that is relevant to you and your business and how to interpret it; yet few of us have the time or the knowledge to do so, yet we know it’s important.

NewsLine 2 October 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on PAITC 2015, Waitangi, ocean sanctuary, Māori Women’s Leadership Summit, Chatham Islands, Northland, and more.

NewsLine 25 September

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on regional tourism statistics, Fernmark, Chinese tourism, Māori Tourism Trade Day, and more.

NewsLine 21 August 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on International Visitor Survey, Rotorua, Tourism Export Council, how hotels can support indigenous tourism, and more.

NewsLine 18 September 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Rotorua, tourism statistics, Tourism Growth Partnership scheme, TIME Unlimited Tours, and more.

Manuhiri and Manaaki at Māori Tourism Trade Day

New Zealand Māori Tourism led the organisation of the fourth Māori Tourism Trade Day in Auckland recently.

NewsLine 14 August 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on OTAs, Facebook, Ngāti Whātua, Rotorua, Tourism New Zealand, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 11 September 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on domestic guest nights, Te Puia, Auckland hotels, and more. Read more here.

Why we have an annual Māori Tourism Trade Day

While TRENZ is a fantastic opportunity for many of our export-ready tourism businesses, there are some sectors which have formed their own Trade Shows, to focus specifically on their products. One of those is our own Māori Tourism Trade Day (MTTD).

NewsLine 4 September 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Māori Tourism Trade Day, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 28 August 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Regional Tourism Indicators, price wars between airlines, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 7 August 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Tourism Holdings, Ngāti Porou, Tourism’s success in the New Zealand economy, Rotorua, eco-tourism, and more.

NewsLine 31 July 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Te Tirohanga Whānui (Māori Business Key Insights 2015), Regional Tourism Indicators, Te Wiki o Te Reo Māori, and more.

NewsLine 24 July 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on International Visitor arrivals, tourism spending, pop up hotels, a student’s plea on the importance of pronouncing Māori correctly , and more.

NewsLine 17 July 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

NewsLine 10 July 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Whale Watch Kaikoura, cycle trails, historical marketing of New Zealand, and more.

NewsLine 3 July 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the Hihiaua Cultural Centre, Wellington funding availability, China Eastern’s flights to New Zealand, the future of Māori tourism, and more.

Casting Off The Last Taboo

NewsLine 26 June 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

NewsLine 19 June 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Matariki, Small Business education, TIA regional summits, the House of Natives at Mangere Bridge, and more.

NewsLine 12 June 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Tourism New Zealand events, Signpost North, Ahi Kaa, Rotorua, Whanganui, the future of business travel, and more.

NewsLine 5 June 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the 2014 Visitor Experience Monitor, Matariki, Trade Shows, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 29 May 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on New Zealand Māori Tourism’s new Board members, Waka Warriors, Hekenukumai Busby, Halal tourism, the New Horizons Fund, and more.

NZ Māori Tourism Confirms Two New Board Members

The Board of New Zealand Māori Tourism confirmed two new Board Members at its quarterly meeting today, says New Zealand Māori Tourism Chief Executive Pania Tyson-Nathan.

NewsLine 22 May 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Māori Tourism Trade Day, Budget 2015, Domestic Tourism advertising, 100% Pure refresh, Sounds Air, and more.

NewsLine 15 May 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Whale Watch Kaikoura, Ngai Tahu Tourism, TravCom Awards, Poutama, Rotorua, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 8 May 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Erima Henare, Mavis Mullins, the Māori Innovation Fund, the Korean FTA, DOC concessions and more.

NewsLine 1 May 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on using Te Reo at restaurants, ANZAC Day, small business insurance, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 24 April 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the TravCom Travel Media Awards, the Māori Economy, Air NZ, Mt Eden, and more. Read more here.

Halal Tourism – an opportunity for Māori tourism businesses?

Say the phrase ‘halal tourism’ to most people and they may be able to give you a couple of lines about what it means, but their understanding of what halal visitors need when they are touring countries may not be as clear.

NewsLine 17 April

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on a Māori kai database, New Zealand’s golden summer, a new tool for SMEs, Te Arawa Group Holdings, and more.

NewsLine 2 April 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Ngai Tahu Tourism, the Prime Minister’s Business Scholarships, HoneyLabs, Piki Films and more.

NewsLine 27 March 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the Fallen Heroes Trust, the Port of Auckland, code of practice for tourist drivers, and more.

NewsLine 20 March 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Māori business owners, Wellington’s busy summer, ACC’s self-employed product, and how First Nations in Canada look after their people.

NewsLine 13 March 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.  Featuring stories on Kapiti Island, Remutaka Hill, SkyLine Rotorua, Te Matatini, and more. Read more here.

NewsLine 6 March 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

NewsLine 27 February 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on Northland’s Twin Coast Discovery, Tourism data for your business, the voyaging canoe Hōkūle’a, Ngati Toa’s history tour, and more.

NewsLine 20 February 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

NewsLine 13 February 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the Tourism Export Council, Taranaki, Tai Tokerau Regional Growth Study, and how well accommodation caters to female travellers .

NewsLine 5 February 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on a Central Hawke’s Bay tourist trail, travel awards, Tourism Radio NZ, and the Ngā Atua Māori series.

NewsLine 30 January 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the power of social media, Waitangi Day celebrations, online bookings and Christchurch accommodation.

NewsLine 23 January 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

Impressive Growth in Māori Tourism

Ngā mihi o te Tau Hou, and congratulations to the accommodation sector on your record numbers. It is probably one of the few areas in tourism where your volume is vitally important for the rest of the us.

NewsLine 16 January 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

NewsLine 9 January 2015

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on tips of productivity from CEOs, cooking up kai in Rotorua, Sir Āpirana Ngata memorial scholarships and how to feature your events on our website.

NewsLine 19 December 2014

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on the future of Parihaka, Waikato Catchment Funding, the spread of ‘virtual iwi’ across the globe, 90 Mile Beach, and the National Museum of Waitangi.

NewsLine 12 December 2014

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

Moving Beyond Sensational Headlines

What do Machu Picchu, The Great Wall, Uluru and the Acropolis have in common, aside from being culturally significant icons? Vehicle access is either limited or non-existent to the summit – visitors are required to walk what can sometimes be quite a difficult route.

NewsLine 5 December 2014

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community.

NewsLine 28 November 2014

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on President X’s visit to New Zealand, a boom in Chinese visitors, NZ Māori Tourism’s AGM, and new bank notes that reflect New Zealand’s bi cultural heritage.

NewsLine 21 November 2014

NewsLine is a short weekly summary of stories that may be of interest to those involved in the Māori Tourism community. Featuring stories on tax breaks for small businesses, President Xi's visit to New Zealand, and the Golden Backpack Awards.

Maori Tourism is More than a Warrior

Maori warriors do not send the ‘wrong message’ to international visitors, says NZ Maori Tourism Chief Executive Pania Tyson-Nathan.

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