Tourism Industry News

News from NZ Māori Tourism and Māori tourism experiences around Aotearoa New Zealand

Flood Support Information - 31 January 2023

Kia ora e te whānau,

E whakaaronui tonu ana mātou ki a koutou e taumaha ana i tēnei wā. Mao mao mai te ua, whiti mai te rā.

We have continued to gather the latest safety and support information following the severe weather in the Upper North Island. You can find our first release here, and all the latest below:


What You Need to Know:

- A state of emergency has been declared for Northland – more here.

- The state of emergency for Waitomo has been lifted – more here.

- Four new Civil Defence Centres are being set up in Auckland in response to the severe weather forecast tonight (Tues 31 Jan). The locations of these centres is in the next paragraph.

- Government is contributing $1 million to the Auckland Mayoral Fund.

- MetService has continued to issue severe storm warnings throughout the North Island. They have uploaded a video explaining the weather situation that led to this afternoon’s emergency declaration, and you can monitor all the latest warnings here.

- For those in need of urgent help or emergency accommodation, please ring: Northland (0800 00 20 04), Auckland (0800 22 22 00), Waikato (0800 932 4357).


Four new evacuation centres are being set up, one in south Auckland and three just north of city, to support those who need to evacuate and can’t stay with friends or whānau. The quartet takes the city's total to seven - the locations are:

North of Auckand

- Wellsford Community Centre, 1 Matheson Road, Wellsford

- Warkworth Town Hall, 2 Alnwick Street, Warkworth

- Kumeu Community Centre, Kumeū 0810



- Massey University Albany Campus, Sir Neil Waters Theatre, Gate 1/Main Entrance (off Albany Expressway), Albany.


- Saint Leonard's Road School, 15 St. Leonard's Road, Kelston.


- Manu Tukutuku, 32 Riverton Drive, Randwick Park.

- Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa Pool and Leisure Centre in Mascot Ave, Mangere (this centre is available overnight for Tues 31 Jan if people need shelter).

Pop-up Information Hub:

- Māngere Memorial Hall, 23 Domain Road, Māngere Bridge.


Community Support Lines:

Te Whanau o Waipareira – 800 92 49 42

Manukau Urban Māori Authority – 0800 686 232

Manurewa Marae – 029 200 55 40

Papakura Marae – (09) 297 20 36

Ruapotaka Marae – 027 290 87 71

Huakina Trust – (09) 238 02 50


There are still several road closures in place; please check here before you venture out!


Immediate financial support will continue to be available for those affected:

- Civil Defence payments are available for people affected by the Auckland region's flooding - you do not have to be on a benefit to qualify for this payment.

- Call Work and Income - 0800 400 100 between 8am and 5pm - to apply for a payment. See link here.

- New Zealand’s five major banks are offering financial support to personal and business customers affected by flooding. Their details are in our previous media release.


We will continue to update our Facebook page and story with the latest information pertaining to the weather events. Kia māia, kia manawanui.

© 2025 NZ Maori Tourism Society