Technology offers huge opportunities for all tourism businesses – not just the big ones. There are many ways you can use tech to help you work smarter, not harder. You might think new technologies are out of your reach – too complicated, too expensive, and too hard to implement. But many small businesses have jumped on the digital technology bandwagon, and they’re reaping the rewards.
“There’s possibly a perception that the tech is complex,” says Callaghan Innovation’s Jonathan Miller. “Our view is that at least some of these technologies are pretty easy to implement, and the investment in them can pay off pretty quickly. I think people need to get comfortable with what technologies are available and what they can do.”
Choosing which technologies to use depends on your strategy. It’s worth thinking about where your business is heading and what you want technology to help with, eg plans to hire a sales person in Australia and the need to collaborate remotely, or to increase online sales next year.
Considering the cost and benefit is important too. There are two main costs: the sticker cost or a subscription dollar amount, and the admin cost – the cost of training and implementation. The benefits can be measured in different ways too, eg achieving a goal, saving time or money, or increasing revenue or profit.