Tourism Industry News

News from NZ Māori Tourism and Māori tourism experiences around Aotearoa New Zealand

The Māori Trustee to fund a $10m Top-Up package providing additional financial support for Māori SMEs

The Māori Trustee (Te Tumu Paeroa) has established a Top-Up Māori Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme, making an additional $10m available for Māori SMEs to meet core operating costs.

The Top-Up Loan Scheme will provide further assistance for Māori SMEs impacted by the Covid-19 economic shock to support their immediate cash flow needs and meet fixed costs.

Māori SMEs that have received a loan through the IRD administered Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme will be able to apply for 50% of the loan amount from the Māori Trustee on substantially similar terms, including an interest-free first year if the loan is repaid within 12 months.

The Top-Up Loan Scheme will open to online applications at from Thursday 18 June 2020 and remain open for a month or until $10m is committed to eligible applicants. Information and terms of the Top-Up Loan Scheme can be viewed on the website.

Dr Charlotte Severne, Te Tumu Paeroa

The Top-Up Scheme recognises that Māori owned businesses generally have a lot more owners, and so Māori SME failure is likely to have a disproportionately negative impact on whānau that rely on these businesses, said Te Tumu Paeroa’s Chief Executive Dr Charlotte Severne. 

Māori SMEs are a fundamental expression of Māori entrepreneurship and identity. They are a source of pride and sustain our people and our communities. Cashflow is the life-blood of SMEs and the Top-Up package recognises that some Māori SMEs will need additional financial support as they seek to rebuild, she said.

Top-Up Loans will be advanced from the Māori Trustee’s General Purposes Fund, a fund administered by the Māori Trustee for the benefit of Māori under the Māori Trustee Act 1953.


Features of the Top-Up Loan include:

  • If you repay the Top-Up Loan in full within 1 year, you will not be charged any interest.
  • If you do not repay the Top-Up Loan in full within 1 year, you will be charged interest at 3% per annum for the entire period from the commencement of the loan (or a default rate if the loan is in default).
  • No repayments of principal or interest are required in the first 2 years of the Top-Up Loan (but you can choose to make repayments if you wish).
  • After 2 years, the business will be required to make regular payments of both principal and interest.
  • All outstanding amounts under the Top-Up Loan must be repaid within 5 years.
To apply, you will need to:
  • apply from Te Tumu Paeroa website from 18th June 2020
  • be the same person who applied for the Government’s Small Business Cashflow Loan;
  • upload the requested supporting information in a PDF format; and
  • submit your Application by clicking the submit button which will appear once you have completed the online application form.


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