Road Map

Whether you’re starting a tourism business for the first time or your business is now established and ready to export, knowing what resources are available across the tourism landscape can assist in growing your business. This Tourism Road Map will help point you in the right direction to find the resources available.


The organisations below offer support and guidance for tourism businesses that have set-up their business, are offering an experience(s) to visitors, and wanting to move to the next level.

Information and Advice

These organisations can help your business with information and advice:

Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA)

The Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA) is the lead national private sector organisation speaking on behalf of the tourism industry. It is membership-based, with more than 1500 members who collectively make up about 85% of New Zealand’s tourism turnover.

TIA’s goal is to lead the tourism industry and create an environment that helps our members’ businesses grow and flourish. We keep the tourism industry at the centre of political and public attention.

TIA do this through education and advice, business savings on core expenses, political influence and being available to our members when needed.

TIA successfully influence government policy that impacts on our members such as ACC levies, infrastructure development and freedom camping.

The information and advice TIA provide helps members stay up to date with industry issues, respond to trends, take advantage of opportunities and overcome challenges.

TIA hold events aimed at addressing key industry issues, plan for future prosperity and celebrate success. These include:

  • TRENZ, New Zealand’s largest annual tourism business event.
  • Annual TIA Summit
  • Regional workshops and seminars

Full membership of TIA offers a great range of services and discounts. For most TIA members, the savings pay back the membership investment many times over.

TIA employs specialist staff with a range of expertise that members can take advantage of. Whether you are having problems with your local council, need support in dealing with the media or are looking for information to help with your business decisions, TIA may be able to help. TIA understand that being in business is challenging, even in the best of times. The more members and support TIA has, the stronger our collective voice and the more influence we have on policy and decision making that affects your business.

Te Puni Kōkiri

Te Puni Kōkiri (Ministry of Māori Development) is the Crown’s principal adviser on Crown-Māori relationships. Te Puni Kōkiri also guide Māori public policy by advising Government on policy affecting Māori wellbeing and development. Te Puni Kokiri means a group moving forward together. As the name implies, Te Puni Kōkiri seek to harness the collective talents of Māori to produce a stronger New Zealand.

Te Tai Tokerau -
Tamaki Makaurau -
Waikato-Waiariki -
Ikaroa - Rawhiti -
Te Tai Hauauru -
Te Waipounamu -

Economic Development Agencies (EDA)

Economic Development Agencies New Zealand (EDANZ) supports, coordinates and advocates for economic development agencies (EDAs) throughout New Zealand. EDAs work with their local authorities to deliver programmes in the regions.

In partnership with local and also central government, EDANZ can tap into a wealth of knowledge and practical expertise in the economic development field, helping to further New Zealand’s economic performance.EDANZ is organised as 14 key regional groups at the governance level to provide national coverage.

MBIE - Tourism Research & Data

Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) – provides advice to the Government on how it can create the right environment for enhanced productivity and growth in the tourism sector in order to grow tourism’s contribution to the New Zealand economy. MBIE also collect, analyse and publish tourism data, such as international visitor expenditure, and evaluate the effectiveness of government initiatives that impact on tourism.

Tourism New Zealand (TNZ)

Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) is the organisation responsible for marketing New Zealand to the world as a visitor destination. Tourism New Zealand's corporate website provides information about TNZ’s key visitor markets, news and insight, upcoming trade and business events and the organisation’s prioritisation of key sectors. Information to enhance your tourism business and information on New Zealand’s tourism industry are also available.

New Zealand Trade & Enterprise (NZTE)

NZTE is New Zealand’s international business development agency. Our role is to help New Zealand businesses grow bigger, better, faster in international markets.

NZTE’s strategy supports the Government’s Business Growth Agenda which creates conditions that encourage successful businesses to grow globally.

NZTE’s customers are New Zealand’s internationalising businesses. We work with approximately 1500 – 2000 businesses at any one time and focus intensively on an active portfolio of 500 that have the scale and ambition to succeed internationally.

NZTE programmes and services are designed to support businesses to grow and succeed internationally and are focused primarily on refining strategy, improving performance, building global networks, and in-market support for business development.

NZTE align their service with different stages of a business lifecycle – from starting and growing a business, through to exporting and operating internationally – and help address the scale and distance issues faced by New Zealand exporters.

NZTE has 10 offices in New Zealand and staff in 36 locations around the world. NZTE work in partnership with New Zealand businesses, helping to build strategic alliances and develop commercial relationships. NZTE connects them with opportunities and contacts in international markets, and share our knowledge, experience and networks to help businesses develop capability and scale.

Tourism Export Council of New Zealand (TEC)

The Tourism Export Council of New Zealand (TECNZ) is a trade organisation comprising of inbound tour operators(ITOs) who package both group and FIT itineraries and product suppliers eg. attraction, activity, accommodation, transport and other tourism service providers. TEC represent the majority of key tourism operators of New Zealand and responsible for 60-70% of all international visitor arrivals.

TECNZ is like the “Fonterra of Tourism”. TEC promote New Zealand offshore (private sector) and buy all the product onshore. This differs from Tourism New Zealand who are the public international marketing arm who we work with on joint ventures, but they are not trade or purchase any New Zealand product. TIA or the Tourism Industry Association is the advocacy and policy organisation who represent our interests to Government.

TEC also produce the Planning for Inbound Success booklet, a guide to understanding and working with New Zealand inbound tour operators.

Worksafe New Zealand

WorkSafe New Zealand (WorkSafe) is the work health and safety regulator. WorkSafe works collaboratively with businesses, undertakings, workers and their representatives to embed and promote good work health and safety practices.

WorkSafe’s functions include:

  • Monitoring and enforcing compliance with work health and safety legislation
  • Providing guidance, advice and information on work health and safety
  • Fostering a co-operative and consultative relationship between the people who have health and safety duties and the persons to whom they owe those duties and their representatives.
  • Collecting, analysing and publishing statistics and other information relating to work health and safety.

Department of Conservation

Individuals have unlimited access to conservation land for recreational purposes, provided their recreational activity is allowed within the area. However, commercial operators and businesses require a permit to access public conservation land and this is done through DOC’s concession process. Learn more about concessions here.

To interact with or handle wildlife and marine mammals, or use public conservation land other than for personal recreation, you need authorisation from DOC. If you’re not sure which research or wildlife authorisation you need, try the decision-making tool.

Business Development

These organisations can help your business with development and training:

Staff training and development is fundamental to business growth. It can help sales, save staff hours, create more efficient production methods, improve technical systems and more.

Business Development

These organisations can help your business with development and training:

Staff training and development is fundamental to business growth. It can help sales, save staff hours, create more efficient production methods, improve technical systems and more.

Unfortunately it’s also something that’s often ignored by many small business owners because it is seen as too time consuming or expensive.

Learn about some of the options available for your staff to develop skills, as well as grow or improve your business.

Training for Business Owners

There are lots of free workshops and seminars available to small business owners.

Your industry body and local Chamber of Commerce will be good places to ask if there are any relevant workshops and seminars coming up.

Check out:

Other useful resources include:

Business Calendar

This calendar will help you find a range of opportunities, training, general compliance dates, and related tasks from across Government quickly and easily. Over time, you will also find events from the private sector where they are related to what you do with Government.

Pulling everything in to one handy place will make it easier for you to identify and participate in events and opportunities that will support your business growth and help you to understand and meet your obligations.

Government Help with Training

If you want to support or train your staff, the government is here to help.

From Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) to courses in basic English and maths, take advantage of these offerings to help you upskill your workforce and develop your business.

Business Mentors New Zealand (BMNZ)

The Business Mentors New Zealand service assists with over 60,000 SME owners – with this number increasing every day. BMNZ engage with over 4,300 clients every year; and supported by over 1,800 volunteer mentors and 28 Agents (Economic Development Agencies and Chambers of Commerce) based throughout New Zealand.

Funding to support delivery of the service comes primarily from the Private Sector of New Zealand business – businesses that understand the challenges business owners in our SME sector face and how the viability of these businesses links directly to the health and wellbeing of our local communities and national economy.


Poutama is an apolitical, independent, pan-tribal and proactive Māori business development organisation. Working as honest brokers, unencumbered by bureaucracy and long-winded processes Poutama fosters the growth of Māori-owned businesses and commercial activities through:

  • Business Advice & Information
  • Clustering & Networking
  • Global Business Development
  • Investment.

Te Whare Hukahuka

Te Whare Hukahuka is passionate about growing the next generation of capable and confident Māori organisation leaders, who can take on leadership roles in organisations, businesses and iwi. We focus on:

  • Governance Review & Development - Developing better governance and leadership practices. Enabling your trustees to feel confident, capable and make the right decisions to turn your vision into action.
  • Rautaki Strategic Planning - Taking you from where you are today, to where you want to be. Can focus on both improving community wellbeing and growing world-class enterprises.
  • Coaching Support - An expert business coach working with you on the following; Business planning and strategy. Business models and sustainability. Systems and processes. Capital raising and exporting.
  • Commercial Advisory - Commercialising new ventures and building world-class organisations that create benefits for communities and the

TEC Health and Safety Checklist

TECNZ, in partnership with the Australia Tourism Export Council, has developed a new Health & Safety Checklist to improve the efficiency of collecting,  storing, and distributing supplier health & safety information. The online platform allows suppliers to complete this ONCE and the information will be stored safely for access when required. 

UK/European Health & Safety (H&S) specialist companies or Inbound Tour Operators (ITOs) request health & safety information on behalf of their international wholesale clients. Currently data collection is time consuming and inefficient due to the need to often replicate the same request multiple times for several ITOs or H&S companies for different wholesalers.

Business Networks

These organisations can help with business networks:

Regional Business Partner Network

The Regional Business Partner Network helps New Zealand businesses innovate and grow by making it easier to access early stage business support. The network is made up of 14 Regional Business Partners throughout New Zealand and is supported by New Zealand Trade and Enterprise (NZTE) and Callaghan Innovation.

We can help you:

— gain outside perspective from an independent, experienced business advisor in a confidential environment

— identify the next steps for your business

— connect you with the local business community, industry networks and clusters.

— match you with a mentor from Business Mentors NZ

— provide access to Capability Development vouchers

— provide access to research and development (R&D) funding.

Wellington Māori Business Network (Te Awe)

Te Awe has a strong membership base representing small to medium sized businesses through to large corporates. Non Māori Business people can also take advantage of our Associate Membership option. Te Awe’s purpose is to promote, assist and encourage Māori in business through regular networking Hui where Māori Business owners meet and share their business successes and challenges.

There are regular high quality networking hui where information and contacts are shared together with great ideas. Exposure to a number of highly successful Māori and non-Māori business leaders presenting and discussing contemporary business issues.

The biannual Te Awe business awards encourage you to participate and be recognised for your business achievements and the awards celebrate who we are as a people in business e.g. whanaungatanga, manaakitanga, and our Māoritanga.

Southern Business Network Otago/Southland (Kuma)

Membership to the KUMA network allows access to:

  • The KUMA website which is the central point of contact, profiling members, their business and informing of local training opportunities and events.
  • The 2-Day Annual KUMA Hui held on local Marae which is free to subscribed members. This Hui brings together members from across the regions to meet while learning from inspiring guest speakers.
  • Developing relationships between KUMA and the Otago University School of Business to partner senior students with members to conduct research on ways to improve aspects of their business. Please advise administration if you are interested in taking part in these projects.
  • Monthly Hui in each region
  • Dunedin Monthly Breakfast.

Te Manawa Pou Tahi – Tauranga Māori Business Association

Te Manawa Pou Tahi – the Tauranga Māori Business Association (TMBA) – has a vision of assisting Māori Business people in Tauranga and elsewhere to achieve success.

The mission statement for the organisation is that it aspires to be a friendly and inclusive organisation that is perceived as being useful, versatile, relevant and effective with a business focus. TMBA promises to act with integrity and incorporate traditional Māori tikanga and values where relevant. The organisation aims to be influential and a strong local and national lobbyist on behalf of Māori business.

FOMA - Federation of Māori Authorities

FOMA was established in 1987 to foster and advance the economic interests of Maori authorities. We deliver on this purpose by keeping our members informed and connected. We provide pathways and tools for members to develop profitability, performance and sector specific skills. We provide members with a strong national voice. By regular communication with industry and government, we are able to represent members’ interests on issues of national importance.

Te Hūmeka - Waikato Māori Business Network

Te Hūmeka Māori Business Network was founded in Waikato in 2010 as a non-profit organization whose main function is to support Māori Business and provide platforms for Māori Businesses to network on a local, national and international scale.

Our organisation operates under the values of tikanga Māori, manaakitanga and kotahitanga in particular.  We hope that through our work, we can support Māori in realising their economic aspirations to achieve economic prosperity.

The name “Te Hūmeka” was gifted to us from Maharaia Paki (Ngāti Mahuta, Ngāti Whawhakia), and comes from a whakataukī of King Tāwhiao.  His kōrero reflects the concept of “globalisation” and the importance of utilising the different skill sets of many, to assist us in achieving our aspirations.

Te Manu Atatu - Whangaui Māori Business Network

Te Manu Atatu is the name of the Whanganui Maori Business Network that was constituted as an Incorporated Society in 2000. Earlier this year, a new working party met alongside some of the original executive committee to transition Te Manu Atatu into a new era.

Te Rōpū Pakihi - Kapiti & Horowhenua Māori Business Network

Te Rōpu Pakihi supports the growth and development of Māori enterprise in the Kāpiti Coast and Horowhenua region. The membership believes that it is the influence of kaupapa tuku iho that makes our businesses unique contributors to our communities. The Network meets regularly to tautoko each other in business and community; we hold functions throughout the year to whakawhanaungatanga amongst ourselves and with others; we celebrate Māori business through our awards programme.

Marketing and Promotions

These organisations can help with marketing and promotions:

Regional Tourism Organisations (RTONZ)

RTONZ provide advice to the Government on how it can create the right environment for enhanced productivity and growth in the tourism sector in order to grow tourism’s contribution to the New Zealand economy. We also collect, analyse and publish tourism data, such as international visitor expenditure, and evaluate the effectiveness of government initiatives that impact on tourism.

Tourism New Zealand (TNZ)

Tourism New Zealand (TNZ) is the organisation responsible for marketing New Zealand to the world as a visitor destination. Tourism New Zealand's corporate website provides information about TNZ’s key visitor markets, news and insight, upcoming trade and business events and the organisation’s prioritisation of key sectors.

i-Site New Zealand

i-SITE New Zealand is our official visitor information network. There are over 80 i-SITE Visitor Centres around New Zealand, which provide international visitors, domestic travellers and locals with comprehensive, up-to-date information and a New Zealand-wide booking service for activities, attractions, accommodation and transport. 

Many of our visitors will wait until they arrive in New Zealand to book parts of their holiday, including local transport, accommodation and activities. The i-SITE Network provides a brand that is trusted by our visitors to provide good quality, useful and relevant information that is vital to ensuring these visitors have a safe, stress-free and rewarding New Zealand holiday.

The New Zealand Story

Drawing on the themes of Open Spaces, Open Hearts, Open Minds and the three core values of kaitiaki, integrity and resourcefulness; the New Zealand Story toolkit provides a practical set of business resources to help New Zealand exporters communicate to the world the distinctly Kiwi attributes that make them unique. The New Zealand Story were created with extensive input from over 200 leaders from the primary sector, manufacturing, Māori, export industry, education and wider government services; through a series of collaborative and robust private and public sector workshops.


The organisations listed below may be able to help with funding for your business:

Tuawhenua Provincial Growth Fund

The Provincial Growth Fund aims to lift productivity potential in the provinces. Its priorities are to enhance economic development opportunities, create sustainable jobs, enable Māori to reach their full potential, boost social inclusion and participation, build resilient communities, and help meet New Zealand's climate change targets.

All provinces are eligible for funding, however, Tairāwhiti/East Coast, Hawke's Bay, Tai Tokerau/Northland, Bay of Plenty, West Coast, and Manawatū-Whanganui have been identified for early investment. More details on the Provincial Growth Fund can be found here, along with application forms.

Māori Economy Investor Guide

The Māori Economy Investor Guide will help investors understand the Māori economy, culture and people. It offers insights as to how and where potential investors can engage with Māori enterprises, embrace the distinctive global advantages of the Māori economy, and forge strong partnerships for the future.

Māori Innovation Fund: Te Punaha Hiringa

Purpose: Increase the skills, knowledge and networks of Māori collectives, and help them to engage more effectively with the wider enterprise development and innovation systems to realise the economic potential of their assets through the employment of commercial advisors.
Amount: Up to $60,000 per grant, funding of 25% or more required by applicant.

Frequency: One round per year.

More details on Te Punaha Hiringa can be found here.

Whenua Māori Fund

Purpose: Improving the performance and productivity of Māori freehold land. Targeted at collectives, & pre-commercial activity.

Total funding available per year: $3.2 million

More details on the Whenua Māori Fund can be found here.

Ka Hao: Māori Digital Development Fund

Purpose: Create high value jobs and opportunities that advance Māori in digital technologies through:
• Improving digital skills and pathways for Māori into digital technologies.
• Growing digital technologies businesses.
• Enhancing new Māori language and culture initiatives through digital technologies.

Total funding available: $30 million over six years from 2014/15

Frequency: Annual

More details on Ka Hao, the Māori Digital Development Fund, can be found here.

Regional Business Partner Network - Capability Vouchers

Purpose: Capability Vouchers – for business planning, systems, sustainability, capital raising, export, finance, governance, marketing etc.

Amount: Maximum of $5,000 per year per business with at least a 50 % contribution from applicant.

Frequency: On application to local regional business partner (check website for nearest to you)

More details on Capability Vouchers can be found here.

Sustainable Farming Fund

Purpose: The Sustainable Farming Fund (SFF) funds 'communities of interest' to do applied research and extension projects that tackle a shared problem or develop a new opportunity.
The SFF invests in applied research and projects led by farmers, growers or foresters. Projects that meet the criteria should deliver economic, environmental and social benefits to New Zealand.

Amount: Maximum total grant available is $600,000 over three years. Or: up to $200,000 each year for a maximum of three years.

More details on the Sustainable Farming Fund can be found here.

Tourism Infrastructure Fund

The Tourism Infrastructure Fund provides financial support for local tourism-related infrastructure where tourism growth is placing pressure on, or potential growth is constrained by, existing infrastructure; and the local community is unable to respond in a timely way without assistance.

Business Training and Advice Grant

A Business Training and Advice Grant helps people getting government assistance who want to start up their own business. It helps towards the cost of training and advice you need to start a business. You could also use it if you need the services of a business adviser.

Māori Women’s Development Inc

Māori Women's Development provide loans to Māori women and their whānau to enable and assist them to enter into and commence business and/or to expand and restructure their existing businesses.

Mātauranga Kura Taiao Fund

The Mātauranga Kura Taiao Fund seeks to preserve the customs, history and stories associated with Māori land and tikanga.

NZTE Capability Development Vouchers

NZTE Capability Development Vouchers are available to businesses to use as partial payment towards the cost of capability development and training in the following areas:

  • Business Planning
  • Business Systems
  • Business Sustainability
  • Capital Raising
  • Exporting
  • Finance
  • Governance
  • Lean Manufacturing/Business Operations
  • Managing Resources
  • Marketing.

R&D funding and support

Callaghan Innovation administers more than $140 million a year in business R&D funding. The R&D Grants are designed to support businesses with smaller research and development programmes and those new to R&D.

Foundation North

Foundation North Places funding area aims to support projects that:

  • conserve our physical and natural environment
  • conserve our cultural heritage
  • support building and marae development projects that aim to strengthen community cohesion.

Enhanced Access Fund

The New Zealand Walking Access Commission administers a contestable fund to support projects aimed at enhancing access to New Zealand's great outdoors. This fund is known as the Enhanced Access Fund. Funding will be prioritised towards projects that help to secure certain and enduring access to the outdoors for future generations.

The main priority for funding is:

  • obtaining certain and enduring access; for example, the cost of negotiation to secure access agreements, legal or survey costs of obtaining access, the cost of obtaining Resource Management Act consents.

Other priorities, in descending order, are:

  • information including signs;
  • developing and improving walking opportunities through installing gates, stiles and fences and the cost of obtaining professional reports such as engineering reports; and
  • supporting community walking access projects, including infrastructure and administration. Funding of infrastructure including bridges and boardwalks is low priority.

© 2025 NZ Maori Tourism Society